
Poli-Mex gwarantuje najwyższy poziom wykonywanych usług, jak również terminowość. Nasze doświadczenie pozwala nam na realizację kompleksowych projektów szybko i skutecznie — bez najmniejszej straty na jakości wykonywanej usługi.

icon_widget_image Poniedziałek -Piątek: 9.00 - 17.00 icon_widget_image ul. Kaczeńca 90 Warszawa 04-516 Poland icon_widget_image +48 608 336 333 icon_widget_image






Let's make a better future


We build

A wide scope of construction

Import - export

International Trade

International transport

Poland - Africa - Asia



Let’s turn your project into reality, together

Here at Poli-Mex, we’re dedicated to providing high-quality services for international clients.
From complex civil engineering projects to international import and export, we’re ready to do
everything that’s necessary to turn your idea into a successful venture. We cooperate closely
with clients from a range of industries, working with care on residential, industrial, and
commercial projects.

We work to support your cause

From layout and management to complete construction, we’re ready to deliver tailored services to each client, depending on their specific needs. Working with us, you can rest assured that each step of your project will be planned out carefully and realized with the utmost efficiency and attention to detail. We undertake all kinds of projects, depending on the criteria and business needs of our partners - no matter whether your project is large-scale or a small undertaking, we’ll be happy to help in whatever way we can.

Our mission

Poli-Mex aims to introduce the highest quality of service in construction, engineering, transportation, and international import/export projects. We coordinate operations between the European Union (from Poland), Africa, and Asia. Our teams have a range of expertise in the sectors we work with, including infrastructure and international trade. We work with highly skilled and experienced engineers, supervisors, project managers, and support staff in order to become a leading contracting company with a client-first approach.

A wide range of services

We’re not limited to a single type of service - instead, we coordinate and manage projects that require international expertise in a range of industries, including civil constructions (including roads and bridges), international trade (export and import of cargo and equipment, including high-quality ambulances), and international transport. Our company has been carrying out complex construction and transportation services in Africa for years, giving us the experience needed to operate with efficiency and effectiveness.

let's make a better future